Import shooting days from Silverstack

Shooting days are very important, since they're one of the primary ways of navigating productions in Drylab Viewer.

Creator can import shooting days from Silverstack in one of three ways:

1. Automatic

By default, Creator looks at each clip's Shooting Recording Date, and uses this as the shooting date. This often works well, but will create problems when shooting past midnight, or e.g. when working with a second unit.

If there's at least one clip or folder that uses method 2 or 3 below, Creator will not try to guess any shooting days automatically.

If you shoot past midnight or with a second unit, we recommend using one of the methods below.

2. Custom field

For each clip simply add a text like this to its Custom 1 or Custom 2 field:

D01 2018-10-31

This example would give you a shooting day numbered 1, with October 31st, 2018 as the date.

3. Folder

You can also specify the shooting day as part of a folder name:

  • In Silverstack, always group your clips in a folder based on their shooting day.
  • Each folder that's tied to a shooting day needs a day number and a date in its name.
    • Day numbers either start with "D" or "Day ", followed by a number e.g. "D03", "Day 3", "Day 0003"
    • Dates are in ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2018-06-19" (for June 19th, 2018).
  • Here are examples of folder names that will be imported as shooting days:
    • "Day 1 2018-06-07"
    • "D2 2018-06-08"
    • "*** 2018-06-09 bar D003 foo"
  • For clips that don't belong to a shooting day, place them in a Silverstack folder that doesn't include a day or date in its name.


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